Display Result » C1A
POLICY C1A - West Hendon
Within the Cricklewood, Brent Cross and West Hendon Regeneration Area, as defined on the Proposals Map, the council may consider planning proposals for the West Hendon area in advance of the remainder of the Regeneration Area. The mixed use regeneration of the area should comprise the following:
- High density housing, built to the highest design qualities, to replace existing stock and create a mix of housing in terms of size, affordability, those qualifying as Lifetime Homes and wheelchair accessibility;
- A new local town centre to include a mix of retail, commercial, community and civic uses;
- Measures to protect and enhance the special interest of the Welsh Harp SSSI and integrate it with the development and associated open spaces;
- Increased movement capacity on the A5 locally to assist the movement of buses through the area; and
- Measures to improve transport links to, and facilities at, Hendon Railway Station.
Disclaimer: Please note: the version of the UDP displayed here is for informational purposes only - the legal copy of the plan remains the paper copy printed by Barnet Council. If in doubt, or in cases of discrepancy, please contact Barnet Council for advice.