Display Result » C4
POLICY C4 - Sustainable Design
The council will seek to ensure that the redevelopment of the Regeneration Area pursues the highest standards of environmental design. Development should:
- Meet high performance standards for environmentally sustainable design and construction;
- Create an integrated network of open spaces and pedestrian and cycle routes to meet leisure, access, urban design and ecological needs both within the Regeneration Area and through enhanced connections to the surrounding area; and
- Ensure the restoration and enhancement of the River Brent and its corridor in order to provide both amenity and nature conservation to the area; development which would be directly or indirectly detrimental to the nature conservation value of the Brent Reservoir Site of Special Scientific Interest will not be permitted.
Development proposals must also ensure that:
- There is an adequate buffer zone;
- Appropriate protection is afforded to legally protected species; and
- Opportunities are taken to enhance the biodiversity of the area.
Disclaimer: Please note: the version of the UDP displayed here is for informational purposes only - the legal copy of the plan remains the paper copy printed by Barnet Council. If in doubt, or in cases of discrepancy, please contact Barnet Council for advice.