Display Result » D16
POLICY D16 - Telecommunications
Proposals for the installation of telecommunications equipment will be permitted where it can be demonstrated that:
- There are no significant adverse visual effects on the skyline or the openness of Green Belt and Metropolitan Open Land, the nature conservation value of a SSSI, or the character of Heritage Land or Area of Special Character;
- There is no significant adverse effect on the external appearance of the building on which they are located;
- The special character and appearance of Listed Buildings or Conservation Areas are preserved or enhanced;
- The possibility of sharing facilities, such as masts and satellite dishes, and erecting antennae on existing buildings or other structures has been fully explored;
- Technologies to miniaturise and camouflage any telecommunications apparatus have been fully explored;
- They are appropriately designed, coloured and landscaped to take account of their setting; and
- There is no significant adverse impact on the visual amenities of neighbouring occupiers.
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