Display Result » H15

POLICY H15 - Sites for Gypsies and Other Travelling People

The council will only approve proposals for permanent sites, temporary stopping places and transit sites for gypsies and other travelling people, provided that the following criteria are met:

  1. The site is supplied with essential services such as water, sewerage and drainage and waste disposal; and
  2. There is adequate parking and turning space within the site; and
  3. There is safe access into the site; and
  4. The site is adequately landscaped; and
  5. The site is reasonably accessible to local services and facilities; and
  6. The site is situated outside areas of constraint, including the Green Belt, Metropolitan Open Land and Sites of Nature Conservation Importance; and
  7. It helps to meet an identified need; and
  8. There are conditions and/or planning obligations in place to ensure that it has no demonstrably harmful impact on local amenity.

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