Display Result » HC8
POLICY HC8 - The Bishop's Avenue
Within The Bishop’s Avenue, proposals for new development will be expected to:
- Take the form of detached houses within substantial plots and be of a scale and design compatible with the established character of The Bishop’s Avenue;
- Utilise existing access points, avoiding the formation of additional or widened vehicle access points;
- Retain existing plot widths, avoiding sub-division of existing sites;
- Retain existing landscaping, established trees and shrubs;
- Avoid the use of high security walls, gates and fencing;
- Preserve a significant degree of separation between buildings; and
- Take into account the council’s character appraisal statement on The Bishop’s Avenue.
Disclaimer: Please note: the version of the UDP displayed here is for informational purposes only - the legal copy of the plan remains the paper copy printed by Barnet Council. If in doubt, or in cases of discrepancy, please contact Barnet Council for advice.