Display Result » TCR19

POLICY TCR19 - Neighbourhood Centres, Shopping Parades and Local Shops

In Neighbourhood Centres, free standing shopping parades and isolated shops, the change of use from a shop (class A1) to another use will be strongly resisted unless:

  1. It can be demonstrated that there will be no significant diminution of local shopping facilities as a result; and
  2. It can be demonstrated that alternative shopping facilities that are similarly accessible by walking, cycling or public transport exist to meet the needs of the area; and
  3. The proposed use is within use class A2, A3, A4, A5 or meets an identified local need; and
  4. It can be demonstrated that there is no known demand for continued A1 use, and that the site has been marketed effectively for such use.

The council will encourage proposals for new retail or other development that meets the needs of the local community.

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